You’re coordinating the ACTRA Manitoba Awards Gala out of the goodness of your heart (thanks btw!), what event coordinating experience do you have? I have been event planning since I was 13. I ran for student council president (and won) for the sole purpose of organizing sock-hops & spirit week (HA!). I have been making excuses to plan and organize projects ever since. I think it’s in my blood. When I see potential in something or someone, I want to help it not only come to life, but give it the push it needs to actualize its potential. I have been managing my sketch comedy troupe Hot Thespian Action for the past ten years and have created (or co-created) a few other performance troupes including a Deaf mime troupe called 100 Decibels. As a manager and mentor, I have been the driving force behind the shows we create and perform. All of the skills I have honed through these experiences lends itself directly to event planning and project management. So I have decided to contract myself out doing just that. Over the past year, on top of performing, educating and creating as an artist, I have Production Managed a promotional video with MFM & On Screen Manitoba (, I have joined the Winnipeg Comedy Festival team planning/hosting their after parties, rounding up sponsorships and marketing the festival, and I have also coordinated a few weddings in-between. When Jan Skene asked me to join council to be the chair of the ACTRA Awards, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give back to this beautiful community and to show them what I’ve got hidden up my sleeve. When did you become an ACTRA member, and what was your first union gig? Oh man, good question. I am…

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