Congratulations on your role in Lovesick, which has been playing festivals and recently screened at Cinematheque here in Winnipeg. Can you tell us about that experience and that role.

Thank you šŸ™‚ Lovesick was fun because we had that really beautiful balance between ā€œwe gotta get this doneā€ andā€¦ ā€œletā€™s try something newā€. Which was really nice, and something I credit Tyson for. I think that type of balance is something you donā€™t get too often. I mean- you can ask everyone else on the project and I think theyā€™d agree.

When did you become an ACTRA member, and what was your first union gig?

I became an ACTRA member almost 10 years ago. I got fluked in when my background commercial became an SOC spot. (I was soooo excited). But my first auditioned union gig was for Todd and the Book of Pure Evil. What was really unique about that, was I was the guest star on that project. And I was SOOOOOO sick for two weeks prior to the call-back, that when I got myself down to the audition room, I think I got it because I didnā€™t have enought ā€œthinkingā€ to get in the way. I had no choice but to ā€œjust beā€. And it worked! šŸ˜€

How has being a member of ACTRA benefited you?

Pfff. So many ways. Letā€™s see here. Having the standards of our union to fall-back onto when Iā€™m feeling unfairly treated on set. Itā€™s allowed me to speak up and be clear about my boundaries. Also, Iā€™m SOOOO grateful for our MIPā€™s, CIPIPs and Resume agreements. It allows us (especially Winnipeg Folks) to be able to work with amazing directors, and get experience, skills and connections that we wouldnā€™t be able to get if we didnā€™t have those options available to us.

What has been your favourite or most memorable role thus far?

Thatā€™s an impossible question. I mean, Pinkertons I got to be a saloon girl and pop out of a barrel. For this past project Chucky, I got to work with some of the best actors in Winnipeg and for Lovesick I got to play one of the most beautiful, confused, innocent, guarded characters Iā€™ve ever seen.

How do you stay sharp? Do you have any training suggestions?

TRAAAAAAIN. FIND WHO WORKS AND TRAAAAAAIN. Honestly, Iā€™d say get on the FTM email list and work with the various people who come in through there. I get coaching with Nancy Sorel for big projects. I love meisner technique too. For advice. Just do it. And do theatre. But train. Find the money and train.

Do you have any advice for other actors out there?

Set specific goals. Attain them. Decide what your new goals are once you attain them.


Surround yourself with people who inspire you and raise your standards.


And definitely train. šŸ™‚

February 2017