A Full Member in good standing may run for any position on Council:
Four (4) Table Officers: President & National Councillor, Vice President, Treasurer & Secretary,
Six (6) Members-At-Large.
Election & AGM Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 – Radisson Hotel – Terrace floor (Portage & Smith).
Registration: 6:30 PM
Meeting: 7:00 PM
All Full Members in good standing may vote.
If you meet the criteria and are interested in running for election , please complete a Candidate Declaration Form.
The Declared Candidates for all positions are as follows:
PRESIDENT: Alan Wong standing for re-election,
VICE PRESIDENT: Kalyn Bomback standing for re-election,
TREASURER: Turk Scatliff standing for election (new),
SECRETARY: Krystle Snow standing for re-election.
- Demkowicz, Nazariy standing for election,
- Guile, Shannon standing for re-election,
- James, Lorraine standing for election,
- Javier, Jean-Jacques standing for election,
- Knight, Marsha standing for re-election,
- Longfield, Kevin standing for election,
- Ternopolski, Veronica standing for election.
All Candidates must be nominated from the floor of the AGM and any Full Member in good-standing can be nominated at that time. Only Full Members in good-standing attending the Meeting may vote.
If you are interested in running for a position on Council and would like to Declare prior to the AGM, please complete the form.