Gantry 5 Framework is the powerhouse behind the Akuatik theme

ACTRA Manitoba’s 5th Awards ceremony was streamed live via ACTRA’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel on Saturday, May 15, 2021. Seven performance awards and two special industry recognition awards were presented to worthy recipients.

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ACTRA Manitoba’s AGM will be held Tuesday, June 15, 2021 by Zoom. This is an election year for Branch Council. Members will be voting for four Executive and six Members-at-Large for a two-year term starting June 16, 2021.

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The 5th biennial ACTRA Awards Manitoba ceremony will be presented and streamed live on May 15th at 7 pm via our ACTRA Manitoba Facebook and YouTube pages.

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The BIPOC Actor’s Training Series, held in partnership with Film Training Manitoba, has been fantastic so far! This is the first set of workshops that ACTRA has been a part of that has also been open to non-ACTRA members, to expand the diverse talent pool in Manitoba and support BIPOC performers.

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“Calling for Second Team” by Micaela Lozano & Jan Skene

Experienced ACTRA members working Stand-In provide a hugely valuable service to productions, and also reap the advantage of intense time on set. With their long hours and front and centre positions, they are exposed to incredible learning opportunities from high level actors, crew and creative – not to mention the benefit of a regular pay cheque!

Micaela Lozano, ACTRA Manitoba Councillor and YEAA Chair, has had the opportunity to do Stand-In work recently and views it as a great supplement for when you’re not acting in front of the camera. Micaela interviewed some of our ACTRA members who regularly work Stand-In and put together a list of their #1 Tips as well as a Stand-In Primer for anyone interested in pursuing this type of work.

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